maandag 24 september 2012

the painting

So, here it is... Maybe some little adjustments. The photo isn't great but i noticed it is hard to make a good picture of a painting...

zondag 9 september 2012

painting something

We had a big canvas at home, so i decided to make the previous drawing in a bigger scale, here's something to give you an idea:

maandag 27 augustus 2012

lazy women part 3

I based this one on Alfred Stevens. I'm not really happy about it... Maybe I will become happy after I forget the clumsiness it took to make it...

vrijdag 24 augustus 2012

colouring pt2

I got some compliments about the drawing with the hammock, so I made another drawing with watercolours... I based this one on a painting by Toulouse Lautrec.
It shows some lazy women, i tought it was funny to stay in the same topic...

woensdag 22 augustus 2012

the heptones

I made a drawing for my friend, i hadn't updated it here because i wanted to take a picture of the drawing hanging on the wall in his interior, but my camera died so this is what you get for now!

zondag 24 juni 2012

summertime - being dandy

Based on a painting by Robert Blum. It's just some exercise I did on painting with aquarel, to celebrate the beginning of my very long holiday!

woensdag 9 mei 2012

Sexy Sad I

a little drawing I made for someone I miss :)

oh, it's a.. tribute to Gil Elvgren 

dinsdag 10 april 2012

bar bibi

Deze zomer had ik op een tekenavondje een collab gemaakt met doorgeefstripjes, ik vind ze nog altijd tof :)


De interactie-academie vroeg me om een organigram te maken. Daarbij heb ik van elk personeelslid een tekening gemaakt. Een klein prentje van waarmee ik bezig ben geweest!

woensdag 1 februari 2012

walking the dog

This are two little comic strips I made for an excercise for school. We had to make a selfportrait inspired by an artist we like, mine where inspired by Patrick McDonnells mutts. (well, they are not as good as mutts, but i'm practicing and there are more coming up!

Ow, and, i wanted to make them both in English, so that i could have something more international on my blog, but I accidentally wrote it in dutch... Here's the translation!: the last page says: "I wonder why that fat man never wants to fetch it...."

maandag 30 januari 2012

water wonderland

Well, this weekend, I finally made something I was planning to do for a very long time...

I made a shark sleeping bag!

Look, it's eating me!

YES I KNOW! Snuggies are really stupid looking, but it gets really cold at my dorm, and I can put my hands trough his fins so I can draw and type... AND IT'S A SHARK!!!


Well, this was a little storyline i made this saturday on a workshop given by the dearest Philip Paquet :)
We first visited an exhibition of Charles Burns, and had to think of a story in the same dream-like world. I wouldn't have tought I could make up a story like that, so i'm kind of proud :)

Well, at first it was in black and white, and i'm not really sure about the colouring, if you want to comment about it, feel free!

zondag 22 januari 2012

céline: mort à credit

 This is a piece of a comic based on Louis-Férdinand Célines "death on credit" Yes, it's written in dutch here, and if one of you English-speakers wants to know what's being said, you should really read the book, because it's a masterpiece.

 Well, it was a chore to present them here as spreads, so, it doesn't look as professional als i wanted it to be :)

vrijdag 20 januari 2012


Een paar illustraties bij een kortverhaaltje van Simon Carmiggelt, waarvan de titel me even ontgaat...
Ik ben er niet zo verschrikkelijk trots op, maar kom, het heeft wel iets schattig en dat was mijn bedoeling!